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Bottle Green Bubble Gingham - Linen Fabric
Orange Bubble Gingham - Linen Fabric
Navy Bubble Gingham - Linen Fabric
Red Bubble Gingham - Linen Fabric
Merchant and Mills ethos is to respect the roots of sewing, from trade to home dressmaking, as they enable and inspire more people to find the satisfaction of simply making. To this end, they have published three instructive, illustrated books.
Merchant and Mills - The Top 64 - PDF Sewing Pattern
Merchant and Mills - Tool Roll - PDF Sewing Pattern
Merchant and Mills - The TN31 Parka - PDF Sewing Pattern
Merchant and Mills - Thelma - PDF Sewing Pattern
Merchant and Mills - The Tee Shirt - PDF Sewing Pattern
Merchant and Mills - The Swing - PDF Sewing Pattern
Merchant and Mills - The Sunday - PDF Sewing Pattern
Merchant and Mills - The Strand - PDF Sewing Pattern
Merchant and Mills - The Skipper - PDF Sewing Pattern
Merchant and Mills - The Sidney - PDF Sewing Pattern
Merchant and Mills - The September - Sewing Pattern
Merchant and Mills - The Rugby - PDF Sewing Pattern
Merchant and Mills - The RTR Rucksack - PDF Sewing Pattern
Merchant and Mills - The Quinn - PDF Sewing Pattern
Merchant and Mills - The Ottoline - PDF Sewing Pattern
Merchant and Mills - Orton Bag - PDF Sewing Pattern
Merchant and Mills - The One And A Half Bag - PDF Sewing Pattern
Merchant and Mills - The Miller - PDF Sewing Pattern
Merchant and Mills - Mathilde - PDF Sewing Pattern
Merchant and Mills - The Mary White - PDF Sewing Pattern
Merchant and Mills - The Landgate - PDF Sewing Pattern
Merchant and Mills - The Jack Tar - PDF Sewing Pattern
Merchant and Mills - The Heroine - PDF Sewing Pattern
Merchant and Mills - The Francli Daypack - PDF Sewing Pattern
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